
Parkston Public Library

"I love books....I love that moment when you open one and sink into it...you can escape from the world, into a story that's way more interesting than yours will ever be."  ~Elizabeth Scott

The Parkston Public Library has something for everyone.  We have books for all ages and interests and if we don't have what you are looking for we will try to get it.  We also have DVD's and Audio Books.

We have FREE Wi-Fi access!  Please feel free to bring in your own device.  We also have public computers with Microsoft Office Suite and free internet access.  Great for homework or just surfing the web!  We are able to print and make copies in black and white or in color for a small fee.  We can also fax and scan data and save to your USB drive.

If you are an E-BOOK reader we have something great for you! 

South Dakota Titles To Go:  Click here to go to South Dakota Overdrive

With your library patron # (stop in or call us to get yours!) you can log on and check out books for free.  $5,000 a month is spent on new titles for South Dakota Overdive.  Find what you want and follow the easy steps to check one out today!  If the title you are looking for isn't available, add yourself to the Waiting List and that helps the state know they need to buy more copies of that title.  It really is a great way to still support your local library and use your modern technology!

You can access Parkston Public Library from home!  Click here to go to Parkston Public Library Card Catalog

The library runs on an automated system.  Any computer, anywhere, anytime, just log in with your last name and patron # and take advantage of these great features:

  • Access the online catalog of materials to see if an item is "in" or "out"
  • Reserve titles (we will call you when it comes in)
  • View titles that you and/or your family have checked out
  • View due dates on checked-out titles
  • Renew titles (renew date will be two weeks from the date of renewal)
  • Browse your History to see items that you have already checked out
  • and more...


For more information or to ask any questions please call (605) 928-7906 or better yet, stop in and visit with our friendly staff.

Grant for Small Rural libraries to improve Accessibility.

Parkston Public Library was awarded a $10,000 grant to improve accessibility to the library. The plan is to install a handicapped operating door to the library's front door to help people enter the building. This is for walkers, wheelchairs, baby strollers, or people with armfuls of books.

We are removing the water fountain to make room in the hallway. We will replace it with a bottle filler, attached to the wall or in the wall.

 Please help the library out by taking this survey:


This will let us know if you support our plan or if you have another option we should consider.   

1,000 Books before Kindergarten

The 1000 Books Foundation is operated exclusively for charitable, literary, and educational purposes.

The objectives of this organization are:

  • to promote reading to newborns, infants, and toddlers
  • to encourage parent and child bonding through reading

Numerous studies estimate that as many as one in five children have difficulties learning to read.  Reading has been associated as an early indicator of academic success.  Public formal education does not typically start until ages 5-6.  Before then, parents and caregivers are the first education providers during the 0-5 early critical years. The 1000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge is a simple (read a book, any book to your child, with the goal of reading 1,000 before kindergarten) and very manageable endeavor.

Our goal is to provide a simple, innovative yet fun approach to establishing strong early literacy skills.  We help young children gain the confidence necessary to become strong readers.


How it works:

The concept is simple, the rewards are priceless. Read a book (any book) to your newborn, infant, and/or toddler. The goal is to have read 1,000 books (yes you can repeat books) before your precious one starts kindergarten. Does it sound hard? Not really if you think about it. If you read just 1 book a night, you will have read about 365 books in a year. That is 730 books in two years and 1,095 books in three years. If you consider that most children start kindergarten at around 5 years of age, you have more time than you think (so get started).

The key is perseverance. Make it exciting. When your child reaches a milestone, give him/her a small reward (stickers, backpacks, books). Most local programs already have a reward system built into place. If a program is not available where you live, join our program today. Most of all be creative!

Make a record of what you are reading in a spiral notebook, online, or by whatever method you want. The journal itself will make a great keepsake item for your precious child. If you are able to, make sure to keep a record of “any” book that is being read to your child. This includes teachers and siblings.https://1000booksbeforekindergarten.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/100_books_logo.png


Lyle Weekly, Director

Lori Fuerniss, Library Aide

Kim Ehler, Library Aide


Tammy Maeschen (President 2025)

Nicole Ehlers

Kristine Malloy (Vice President 2025)

Leisa Tiede 

Rebecca Bialas 

Carroline Kniffen City Representative        


Board of Trustee meetings are held quarterly. (January, April, July, October)

Last updated 1/21/2025 5:17:01 PM