PADC’s goals for 2013 Include:
Housing- Working in conjunction with the Housing Committee:
1) Secure funding & provide assistance to identified properties to help rehabilitate or demolish five (5) properties in 2013;
2) Market the community’s new housing incentive program to assist four (4) applicants to receive funding in 2013;
3) Create a homeownership information packet for people looking to purchase or build homes in the Parkston area;
4) Continue to modify the city’s existing housing subdivision regulations to aggressively promote housing development by developers;
5) Research the building of a four-plex rental development in 2013; and
6) Develop a public-private partnership with Governor’s House Program to use two (2) infill lots in residential areas in 2013;
Workforce Development
1) Create a workforce database of Parkston area graduates and communication channels to share information regarding community, employment and housing opportunities; and
2) Develop a regional labor survey with details relating to underemployment and current wage rates in key business categories.
1) Develop an action plan to enhance public infrastructure for new housing and business development sites.
Business Park Assets
1) Working with the City of Parkston, explore future land use development areas for potential business park expansion; and
2) Acquire Options on future shovel-ready development sites utilizing city support.
Business Development
1) Focus on growing our existing business sector thru retention, expansion & new business development activities.
1) Define and develop a comprehensive marketing plan utilizing key stakeholders including the City, Avera St. Benedict, Parkston School District, Commercial Club and PADC; and
2) Utilizing key resources to create an implementation plan for target marketing to youth through social media.