1.       When is a building permit required?

If the square footage of any structure is changing, a building permit is required. This includes but is not limited to: additions, garages, decks, fences, etc.


2.       How do I obtain a building permit?

Stop by the Parkston City Hall located at 207 West Main Street and request a form from the Finance Office.  Permits can also be obtained from the website.  Click Here to be directed to the Planning & Zoning page.


3.       Do I need to file a building permit to remodel?

No.  As long as the remodeling is within the current square footage of an existing structure it does not need a building permit.  Examples of work not requiring a building permit are: siding, re-shingling, replacing cabinetry, etc.


4.       Where is my property line?

You may have to have a survey done to determine where your property line is.  Many people think their property line is where the curb is.  This is not necessarily true.  It can actually be several feet inside the curb since the City claims this area as right-of-way for utilities.


5.       How far from the property line do I need to be with my building?

The distance from the property line, otherwise known as the setback, depends on which zoning district your property is located in.  Refer to the zoning regulation guidelines in the Planning & Zoning section for further information on setbacks.


6.       Do I need a building permit to pour a pad of cement?

As long as the cement is at ground level, no building permit is needed. If the pad is over 6 inches thick, check with the Zoning Administrator to verify that no permit is needed.


7.       What is the Planning & Zoning Commission?

The Planning & Zoning Commission is a 5 member board consisting of an administrator.  They are appointed by the City Council and hold 5 year terms.  Their duties include: approving building permits, ordinance additions and amendments, and recommendations to the Board of Adjustments on variances.


8.       What is the Board of Adjustment?

The City Council acts as the Board of Adjustment and acts as the decision making body within the zoning ordinance.  They act on variances, appeals, and formally approve any additions or amendments to the zoning ordinance.




1.       Are there any exceptions to the fence permit requirement?

Fence permits are intended to apply to fences designed for screening, security, and privacy purposes.  Exceptions are: The fence or wall is located, or will be erected, within the buildable area of a lot.  (Buildable area is defined as- The portions of a lot remaining after required yards and setbacks have been provided).


2.       What must I do to get a permit for a fence?

Fence permit applications may be obtained from the City Finance Office in the City Hall located at 207 West Main St.  Once you have completed your application, file it with the City Finance Officer who will forward it to the City Planning & Zoning Commission for consideration.


3.       Can I build a fence in the floodplain?

Yes, with the approval of the Flood Plain Administrator.  In order to obtain approval, a floodplain development permit must be approved first.


4.       If my neighbor agrees, can we build a fence jointly on our property line?

The reason is because of complaints concerning maintenance and future sales of the property.  Fences along interior and rear lot lines shall be set back at least three (3) feet from the property line.  However, along interior lot lines, a signed maintenance easement between owners of the adjoining properties may allow the fence to be located as close as one (1) foot from the property line.


5.       Are fences allowed in a front yard?

Yes, subject to height requirements.  On interior lots, fences of not more than four (4) feet in height can be erected in a front yard.  Fences not more than four (4) feet in height may be erected in a front yard on corner lots provided that they are not more than thirty (30) percent solid when located within an intersection safety zone.


6.       What size of fence can I have in my back yard?

On interior lots, fences of not more than six (6) feet in height are allowed on any portion of a rear or side yard.


7.       What about corner or double frontage lots?’

Zoning regulations dictate that all corner lots and double frontage lots have a required front yard for setback purposes along each street frontage.  Fences over four (4) feet in height are not allowed in a required front yard, except along major streets.  In addition, these lots may have more than one (1) intersection safety zone requiring visibility adjustments to any fence erected within this area.


8.       What if I live on a busy street?

On residentially used lots, an exception to the normal height and location requirements exist.  The purpose of this exception is to allow a noise and privacy buffer along arterial and collector streets within the city.


9.       What is considered an arterial and collector street?

Highway 37, Highway 44, Main Street, Chapman Drive, Depot Street, First Street, and Glynn Drive.


10.    What kind of fence can I build if I live next to an arterial or collector street?

Property owners on corner or double frontage lots along an arterial or collector street are allowed to build fences not more than six (6) feet in height in a required front yard where:

  • The area abutting the arterial or collector street is not used as the building’s front yard.
  • The fence is set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from the property line abutting the arterial or collector street.
  • All fencing within an intersection safety zone is not more than thirty (30) percent solid.